Taking Philanthropy Up a Notch: The Inspiring Journey of Ayesha and Stephen Curry with the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation

Oakland celebrated the opening of a newly refurbished basketball court this week, thanks to the efforts of the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation. Established by Ayesha and Stephen Curry just a month ago, the foundation has already made a significant impact in the community. With a strong focus on Oakland, the foundation is determined to stay connected to the city that has been so integral to the Curry family’s upbringing.

As the Warriors made the move to San Francisco, Stephen and Ayesha Curry were unwavering in their commitment to Oakland. They understood the importance of this city in their lives – it’s where they grew up, where their family thrived, and where they always felt at home. This basketball court renovation is just the beginning of their dedication to giving back to the place that means so much to them.

According to Nicholas Williams, the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Youth Development in Oakland, the Curry family has built a reputation for their generous acts of philanthropy in the local area. Williams highlighted the valuable support provided by Ph Ph, who played a crucial role in enhancing the Bushrod recreation center. Initially, Ph Ph assisted in the renovation of one of the gymnasiums, and later returned to construct a state-of-the-art digital classroom. Additionally, he went above and beyond by procuring laptops and other advanced technological resources for the center. Not only did Ph Ph contribute to the physical well-being of athletes in the gym, but he also recognized the importance of creating an environment conducive to learning, making him a significant figure in philanthropic endeavors.


Increasing their efforts
The establishment of the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation marks a significant expansion of their previous initiatives. They played a vital role in the Oakland Town program, the city’s summer program for local kids, last summer. Thanks to the involvement of the Currys alone, the camp’s size doubled this year, attracting more children with just the name alone, according to Williams. Last year, we had an average of 400-500 children per day, but this year, we have had 900-1000 children per day. Alongside organizing recreational activities for children, the foundation also provided a $50,000 scholarship and distributed over 25,000 nutritious breakfasts, successfully fulfilling all three of its core pillars.


The pillars that the Currys have chosen for their foundation, Eat. Learn. Play, have been carefully selected. These include tackling childhood hunger and promoting nutrition, closing the educational gap in college, and ensuring children have access to play for their overall development. Helfrich, who is involved with the foundation, mentions that the Currys have taken their time in launching the foundation because they wanted to have a strong understanding of these important issues. Additionally, the Currys are committed to maintaining their focus on equality and addressing the challenges faced by women and girls throughout the entire scope of Eat. Learn. Play.


Maximizing Their Influence
With their considerable influence, Stephen and Ayesha Curry have the power to make a meaningful contribution to the ongoing discussions surrounding their chosen issues. According to Helfrich, the foundation has implemented a strategic approach to this. “Every year, the Currys generously contribute a substantial amount, and we aim to secure more funds.” Furthermore, we must optimize their time and utilize their voice effectively. We also want to ensure that their resources are put to good use in order to have the greatest possible impact. Whether it’s advocating for gender equality for girls and women or combating adolescent hunger, the Currys possess an extraordinary platform that we intend to leverage to support the communities we strive to help.


Consequently, how does that translate into practical implementation? They have formed a strategic partnership with Share Our Strength, the organization in charge of the No Kid Hungry campaign. The campaign’s operational mechanisms were explained by its founder, Billy Shore, with the goal of ensuring that all eligible children who qualify for publicly funded school meals actually receive them. In the United States, the most pressing issue is the need to provide free school lunches to 21 million children, all of whom are eligible for breakfast as well. However, a decade ago, only nine million children were receiving breakfast. Additionally, despite the fact that everyone is eligible for summer meals, only three million children actually receive them. What’s even more puzzling is that the lunch program for all 21 million children is supported by federal entitlement programs that have bipartisan support. Our mission is to collaborate with communities and eliminate any barriers that may hinder children from accessing the school meal programs.


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