Scarlett Johansson Crowned Hottest Woman of the Year

As October rolls around, many may be wondering who will be crowned the Sexiest Woman of 2013. Well, the wait is over because Esquire magazine has declared Ms. Scarlett Johansson as the Sexiest Woman Alive this year.

But hold on a minute, you may be thinking, isn’t this a repeat of 2005? Indeed, Scarlett Jo did win the title seven years ago, but Esquire points out that she is even more Sexier in this new decade. She is the first woman to be named Sexiest Woman Alive twice.

Just how captivating is Scarlett? Let’s take a look at some key phrases from the text that highlight her allure: “Oh, for a muse of fire”; “delicate, bare finger”; “derriere”; “smile”; “her voice resonates with you”; “a woman who is willing to split her sandwich”; “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”; “showcasing radiant beauty in every frame”; “versatile, lean rather than curvy and full-bodied”; and lastly, “supernatural beauty that captivates.”

As a way to emphasize her alluring appeal, author Tom Chiarella recounts his own experiences of feeling uneasy and jittery around Johansson in the article. He admits to feeling awkward after mistakenly referring to vegetables as “crudites” and messing up a common saying. He even ponders the dilemma of whether to sneak a glance at her backside, ultimately deciding against it out of respect.

Johansson is feeling tired and stressed from her busy schedule, expressing a desire to simply relax and catch up on reading. When asked about accepting the title of the Sexiest Woman, she admits that it would be a challenging career decision for her due to her current commitments.

You know, I have to stay on my grind. As a twenty-eight-year-old female in the film industry, it’s inevitable that the roles I get offered will eventually be limited to playing mothers. So, I have to diversify my portfolio with projects in theater, producing, and collaborating with Esquire magazine. It may sound a bit clinical, but it’s all part of the game.

So, just to fill you in: The woman holding the title of The Most Attractive Woman of the Year seems unmotivated, slightly stressed about what lies ahead, and firmly entrenched in the daily grind.

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