Gal Gadot opens up about her journey as a beauty queen and her amusing attempt to avoid winning Miss Universe: “It was destined to fail!”

Gal Gadot, known for her role as Wonder Woman, was once a beauty queen herself. However, in a recent interview with Vanity Fair, the 35-year-old actress revealed that she didn’t particularly enjoy the experience. Back in 2004, she was crowned Miss Israel, but she confesses that she made every effort to avoid winning the Miss Universe title that same year.

Recalling the moment, Gadot humorously shared, “Oh, my God. Paula Abdul was one of the judges, and she asked me something and I was like, ‘Me no speak English, so sorry,’ in a heavy accent. I did everything I could to ensure that it wouldn’t happen.”

Despite her previous pageant endeavors, Gadot has since found tremendous success in her acting career, particularly as the beloved superhero, Wonder Woman.

Not for her: Gal Gadot was once a beauty queen. And in the November issue of Vanity Fair, the 35-year-old Wonder Woman actress said she did not enjoy the fit. Seen in a VF video

Gal Gadot, known for her portrayal of Wonder Woman, revealed in a recent Vanity Fair interview that her time as a beauty queen was not a pleasant experience for her. The video featured in the November issue sheds light on this aspect of her life.

Not worth it for her: In 2004 she became Miss Israel but tried her hardest not to get the Miss Universe crown that same year. Seen in 2004 at the Miss Universe pageant

Not a priority for her: Back in 2004, she achieved the title of Miss Israel, but she had no intentions of winning the Miss Universe pageant that same year. During an interview with Rolling Stone in 2017, she revealed her initial lack of belief in herself, stating, “I never thought I would actually become Miss Israel. I simply decided to participate, thinking it would be a fun experience to share with my future grandchildren.” Little did she know, she would emerge victorious.
Additionally, during her interview with VF, she shared details about her upcoming movie, Wonder Woman 1984, slated to release on December 25, 2020. She expressed, “The first film marked the birth of a hero, and this time around, we aimed to delve deeper. It explores the perils of greed, which is highly relevant to the current era we live in.” It’s worth noting that for her portrayal in the first Wonder Woman film, she received a payment of $300,000, whereas for the sequel, she earned a staggering $10 million.

Not interested: 'Oh, my God,' said the 5ft10in star. 'Paula Abdul was one of the judges, and she asked me something and I was like [using a heavy accent]

Lack of enthusiasm: The 5ft10in celebrity expressed their disinterest by exclaiming, “Oh my goodness! Paula Abdul was one of the judges, and she approached me with a question, and I responded with a faux accent, saying ‘I’m sorry, I don’t speak English.’ I was determined to avoid any interaction in that situation.”

Doing a dance: Here the actress is seen far right next to Miss Canada

Engaged in a lively dance, the actress is spotted on the far right, standing next to Miss Canada. She reflects on the relentless pursuit for more in today’s society, noting how achieving one’s desires only leaves room for a new goal, making her wonder about the cost of such a never-ending race. She questions whether we lose ourselves in this chaotic marathon.

Gal expresses her emotional response to the opening scene of the movie 1984, where Lilly Aspell, a 12-year-old actress, portrays a young Wonder Woman engaged in a physical competition. The scene brings her to tears, as she believes that visual representation plays a significant role in aspirational dreams. She acknowledges that boys have been fortunate to see themselves as the heroes, the ones who save the day, throughout the history of cinema.

Strong role model: Gal said she gets teary eyed when she sees the opening scene of 1984 where actress Lilly Aspell, 12, plays the child version of Wonder Woman and is in a physical contest. 'One of the biggest things that I believe is that you can only dream about becoming someone or something after you've seen it visually'

Inspiring Role Model: Gal admitted to becoming emotional when she first saw the opening scene of the movie 1984, where young actress Lilly Aspell portrays a young Wonder Woman in a physical competition. According to Gal, witnessing such powerful representation is crucial in allowing individuals to envision themselves in certain roles or positions.

During the interview, the Israeli actress also discussed the impact of portraying Wonder Woman, particularly on her own daughter. Gal, who is a mother to eight-year-old Alma and three-year-old Maya, revealed that she had shown the film to her eldest daughter. However, Alma struggled to separate her mother from the character she was playing, exclaiming, “I can’t watch it! Just fast forward!” To accommodate her daughter, they skipped the frightening scenes but overall, Alma loved the film and expressed pride in her mother’s performance.

Gal also addressed the criticism she faced for her rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine” during her self-isolation period. Online users deemed her and other celebrities “out of touch” for singing about “no possessions” from the comfort of their luxurious homes.

Kids: She spoke about the impact of playing Wonder Woman, including on her own daughter. Gal, who is mom to Alma, eight, and Maya, three, with husband Jaron Varsano, said that she showed the film to her eldest daughter. 'She was very excited but she also couldn't detach from seeing Ima [Ima means mother in Hebrew] battling the bad guys'

Children: In discussing the impact of her role as Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot shared how it affected her own daughter. As a mother to eight-year-old Alma and three-year-old Maya, Gadot revealed that she showed the film to Alma. Although Alma was excited, she struggled to separate her mother from the character, referring to Gadot as “Ima” (which means mother in Hebrew) while watching her battle the villains.

Gadot stressed that her intention was simply to contribute something good and pure to the world. However, she acknowledged that her efforts fell short of reaching that level of transcendence.

In a video released in March, Gadot appeared alongside Natalie Portman, Zoe Kravitz, Amy Adams, and others. However, the video was met with criticism on Twitter, with users questioning the celebrities’ awareness during the COVID-19 lockdown, dubbing it “cringe-worthy” and out of touch.

It is important to note that Gadot initially had good intentions when she participated in the original video, as she explained.

Her mentor: With director Patty Jenkins at the World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' Wonder Woman in 2017

At the 2017 World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures’ Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot was joined by her mentor, director Patty Jenkins. Reflecting on her experiences during self-quarantine, Gal addressed the global impact of the virus. She expressed how the virus does not discriminate, affecting people from all walks of life, regardless of their nationality or background. Gal mentioned that she found inspiration in a viral video of an Italian man playing the trumpet for his community amidst their lockdown. She found the video to be incredibly moving and heartfelt. The camera then shifted to other celebrities like Kristen Wiig, Jamie Dornan, Labrinth, James Marsden, and Sarah Silverman, who also shared their thoughts on the current situation.

The video in questions: In March, Gal Gadot and her celebrity friends were slammed for their rendition of John Lennon's Imagine while self isolating - with people of the internet branding them 'out of touch' for singing about 'no possessions' from their mansions

Back in March, Gal Gadot and her famous companions faced heavy criticism for their version of John Lennon’s Imagine during self-isolation. The online community labeled them as ‘out of touch’ for singing about ‘having no possessions’ from the comfort of their luxurious mansions.

In her cover story for Vanity Fair in November 2020, Gal commented on the video, expressing her disappointment with the unintended consequences of her good deed. She explained that her intentions were genuine and she simply wanted to spread positivity and love to the world. The now infamous rendition of Imagine came about through her initial collaboration with a few friends, and later with the help of Kristen Wiig, who is well-respected in Hollywood. Despite her good intentions, Gal acknowledged that the video did not have the desired impact and fell short of its intended purpose.

New: The Vanity Fair writer, Nancy Jo Sales, mentioned that they reached out to Gal for comment on Monday after she was criticized for her upcoming role as Cleopatra with Wonder Woman director directing her in this film as well. Here is Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra

According to Nancy Jo Sales, the Vanity Fair writer, Gal Gadot was contacted for comment on Monday regarding the backlash she received for her new role as Cleopatra, which will be directed by the same director as Wonder Woman. It is important to note that Elizabeth Taylor portrayed Cleopatra in the past.

During an interview, Gal Gadot shared her perspective on being straightforward, acknowledging that it can sometimes lead to trouble. She revealed a phrase she has learned to use, saying, “I don’t disagree with you, but,” which effectively shows that she does, in fact, disagree.

She further expressed that she has come to embrace her uniqueness, noting, “So I adapted. I just came to the conclusion: I do me, you do you. I’d rather have you not liking me at this moment than not saying my truth.”

The criticism aimed at Gal Gadot’s casting as Cleopatra largely revolves around misconceptions about Cleopatra’s heritage. Some social media users incorrectly assumed that the Egyptian queen was African and of black descent. However, historically, Cleopatra is believed to have been of Greek or Persian ethnicity.

Another hit? Armie Hammer as Simon Doyle and Gadot as Linnet Ridgeway in 20th Century Studios' Death On The Nile; the film is due out December 18

Could it be another smash? Actor Armie Hammer is reported to be playing the role of Simon Doyle, while the talented Gal Gadot takes on the character of Linnet Ridgeway in the upcoming film “Death On The Nile” by 20th Century Studios. Fans eagerly await the release on December 18th.

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