An Honest Chat with Jennifer Lawrence: The Pressure of Beauty Standards in Hollywood and Embracing Self-Love

Stunning shoot: Jennifer Lawrence graces the pages of the new edition of Elle U.S. where she opens up about dieting and her personal life

The recent edition of Elle U.S. features a captivating photo shoot of Jennifer Lawrence, where she appears incredibly beautiful. Along with the images, she discusses her private affairs and opens up about her perspective on dieting.

Strike a pose: The actress insists she is considered a 'fat actress' by Hollywood standards

While posing for a photo, the actress confidently declares that within the entertainment industry, she is labeled as a ‘plus-size actress’.

Role model: Lawrence says she doesn't want to set a bad example to her fans and would refuse to get super skinny for a film role

Lawrence has emphasized the importance of being a positive influence on her followers. She firmly expressed her decision to avoid drastic weight loss for any film role, as she believes that it could lead to promoting an unhealthy and unattainable standard of physical appearance.

Healthy look: She says she trained so her body looked fit and strong, not thin and underfed, for her role as Katniss in Hunger Games

To portray Katniss in the Hunger Games, she shared that she worked hard to attain a fit and sturdy physique instead of a weak and undernourished one.

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