Actress Emma Watson embarks on Uruguay mission as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, rallying for increased female representation in politics

Emma Watson, celebrated for her captivating on-screen performances, is also gaining recognition for her commitment to promoting gender equality globally. Breaking away from her glamorous career, the 24-year-old actress embraced her role as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and embarked on a journey to Uruguay. The Paris-born beauty traveled to this South American country to deliver a presentation on the HeForShe campaign at Uruguay’s Parliament in Montevideo.

Advocate: UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson headed to Uruguay's Parliament in Montevideo on Wednesday to ask for a higher representation of women in politics

Advocate and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, made her way to Uruguay’s Parliament in Montevideo last Wednesday to passionately advocate for increased female representation in the realm of politics.

Emma is determined to achieve significant outcomes with her project, which seeks to motivate males worldwide to actively contribute to eliminating the ongoing gender disparities faced by women. At the event, the renowned actress captivated a highly regarded audience with her compelling argument. By her side were Vice President Danilo Astori of Uruguay and Gulden Turkoz-Cosslett, the director of the UN Women Programme Division, who provided translation services as Emma addressed the attendees.

Campaign: With the aid of a translator, Emma spoke passionately about the need to banish inequalities during a visit to Uruguay earlier this week 

Event: Accompanied by an interpreter, Emma delivered a heartfelt speech advocating for the elimination of disparities

Audience: The actress's arrival attracted a large crowd of young women, keen to hear her speech in person

The actress’s presence drew a sizable gathering of enthusiastic young women who eagerly awaited her speech in person. Emma, too, captured the spotlight as she attentively jotted down notes while listening to other speakers at the event. This organized gathering, led by women’s groups, aimed to advocate for higher representation of elected female senators and deputies in the country’s legislative body. Reflecting on the vast number of individuals who had gathered outside the parliament in Uruguay to hear her speak, Emma expressed her overwhelming gratitude and appreciation.

The graduate: In May, Emma graduated from America's Brown University with degree in English liternature

The university graduate: Emma recently completed her studies at Brown University in the United States, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in English literature.

Touched: The Paris-born beauty later said she was 'immensely touched' by the large turnout

Moved: The stunning woman from Paris expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming number of people who attended the event, stating that she was deeply moved.

Profound words: The star listened intently as other individuals attending the event got up to speak

Deep words: The celebrity listened attentively as other attendees took turns speaking during the event. Towards the back of the room, there were five young women, likely younger than 17, who held up a banner that read, “Support more female representation in politics.” Witnessing this level of engagement is the very reason I am present. It is why I decided to come to Uruguay and collaborate with UN Women. It is a privilege to have this platform and be able to bring attention to these matters that hold great significance to me. This is the path I wish to pursue and wholeheartedly believe in.

Esteemed company: The Harry Potter star sat next to Uruguay's Vice President Danilo Astori, left, and the director of the UN Women Programme Division Gulden Turkoz-Cosslet, right

Distinguished organization: The actor from the famous Harry Potter series was seated alongside the Vice President of Uruguay, Danilo Astori, on the left, and the esteemed director of the UN Women Programme Division, Gulden Turkoz-Cosslet, on the right.

Inspired: The actress said she was impressed to see young women pushing for greater political involvement

Finding inspiration: The talented actress expressed her awe as she witnessed the fervent drive of young women in their pursuit for increased political engagement.

Understated: Long celebrated for her style, Emma kept her ensemble simple for the well-attended event

Casually chic: Emma, renowned for her impeccable sense of fashion, opted for an effortlessly elegant look at the widely attended occasion.

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